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Courses and workshops
Find out more about design thinking, flexible work approaches and global project experiences by visiting open events and educational programs at the Design Thinking Center, Moscow.
4 April
18 April
4 April
4 May
Для подростков
Practitioner PO (ru)
12-19 May
11 April
16 May
23 May
30 May
An international collaborative certification program on Design Thinking with more than 120 certified alumnae as “Coaches’ and “Practitioners’
Teaching materials
A set of ‘Courses + Tools’ for secondary school education on Design Thinking. Activities, lessons, teacher guides.

A set of 15 hands-on intensive courses for corporate education in Design Thinking, ResearchOps, Trendwatching, CJM, Emotional and Creative intelligence and others

Кто ты в мире дизайн-мышления?
Пройди базовый тест прямо сейчас и узнай, насколько хорошо ты знаешь дизайн-мышление.
Intensive design thinking workshops
Learn the fundamentals at the Wonderfull Lab programs - now in the creative space of the Design Thinking Center, Moscow!
Получить информацию по курсам
Подписка на полезные новости Центра!
Материалы, события, инструменты, методы и анонсы курсов для создания продуктов и услуг, ориентированных на клиентский опыт.
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